Auric Tarot

April 16, 2014 Example of Tarot with numerology Posted In: Blog

with Lecabela as guest star
Lecabela & Ana M. Flores

Today we have the cooperation of Lecabela, numerologist, tarot reader and friend, whom we have asked to show us an example on how she combines numerology and tarot. I hope you find it useful, especially for those of you who are just beginning to discover the ‘magic’ of the tarot at this time.

Cast of Lecabela
Ejemplo tirada

Cast example

«Hey, guys, I’m Lecabela and I would like to explain a simple and effective method using this beautiful and inspired Tarot, contributing with my knowledge on numerology as well.

This cast is used for a specific question. Shuffle the cards and offer the consultant to choose just 3 of them. Then flip the cards and read the answer. Next, add the numbers of the cards that were selected. If you get a number greater than 18, add both again and take the card in the position that the new number shows.

In our example, the cards that we got as an answer to the question were: XII, XIV and XX. These cards are 46. In this case, we would add 4 + 6 = 10. So we would take a fourth card, the one in 10th place (the consultant should decide if you start counting from the right side or the left). This card would tell us about the final resolution of the question that we made.

It is a quick and easy method, and it gives very good results. Hope you enjoy it, folks!».

How to contact Lecabela

To contact Lecabela, you can visit her webpage where you may also find information on all disciplines that she uses to bring Light and Consciousness (numerology, Tarot, flower essences, Doctors of Heaven, direct healing, etc ). I personally encourage you to visit her and connect with her great knowledge.

Thank you so much, Lecabela, for sharing with us today!

Ana M. Flores

This post is also available in Español.


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