Auric Tarot

May 17, 2014 How to easily consult tarot with a pendulum Posted In: Blog

The special combination between the pendulum and the tarot arcana
Tarot and pendulum

Maybe you may have find yourself in a situation when you would have liked to make a quick inquiry, and get a clear answer that would guide you, or give some clue. However, it is not always easy to interpret a tarot reading, or sometimes we just do not feel the necessary confidence in our ability. Well, as we expand our knowledge in tarot, there is a fast and simple way to get an answer to closed questions (yes or no).

Consulting tarot in an easy way with a pendulum

Getting a quick answer with a pendulum and the help of tarot is easy. We just have to choose two cards, two arcana to represent clearly both answers (Yes or No). In this case, we have chosen the SUN as the possitive answer, and THE HANGED MAN to represent the negative one.

Tarot y pendulo 2

Consulting the arcana with a pendulum

We lay both cards face down. Important: do it in such way that you don’t know the position of each card, you must not know where the SUN and THE HANGED MAN are. Then take your pendulum and ask a direct, closed question (ie, that can be answered with YES or NO). Do the questions while you hold the pendulum over the first card, and then repeat the same operation with the second card. The pendulum will start moving over the card that holds the answer. We just flip the card and see if it is our arcane for YES or NO.

It is a very simple method, but I invite you to try, because it gives very good results.

Ana M. Flores


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